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Kathy D. Infeld Blog


What am I talking about?  Well a little known secret is that over time, the closeness and intimacy of a committed relationship triggers our old wounds. The single parent who worked three jobs to keep you clothed and fed left you feeling that you didn’t have enough attention. The big brother who had fist fights with you each morning before school rendered you feeling rejected and powerless in your own home. The young teen in middle school who made fun of your braces or small breasts made you feel unattractive and unwanted. Then you arrive in your marriage and when your spouse is upset, he or she verbally bullies you, or your wife pays no attention to you now that the children have been born, or your spouse doesn’t compliment or tell you nice things. You feel the old hurts again. These actions by your spouse feel like the old rejection, pain, and emptiness.

The good news is this triggering of old wounds makes you aware of them so that you can do something to heal them. You begin to speak up and ask for more attention and time with your spouse. You let your spouse know that when they speak to you that way, it hurts your feelings. You make a pact with your spouse to let each other know how attractive you are to each other. There are so many ways that the individual can grow and heal and learn to accept and love themselves more in the relationship when each spouse will work these issues through. The work isn’t easy but when LOVE HURTS, LOVE can also HEAL.


It’s All About The Dress

Prince-William-Kate-MiddletonPrince William and Kate Middleton soon will marry with all the fanfare and attention from the world and the press. We will be able to watch hours of footage and commentary on the whole affair. But what will this couple be feeling inside. Are they in many ways all that different from you and me?

They are people with thoughts, feelings, goals, desires, needs, and life experiences that shaped who they are. After all Prince William lost his mother in his teens to an untimely and violent death. Before that he experienced his parents very public divorce. How has that shaped his personality and his choice of a life partner? In the months ahead we surely will learn more about Kate than just that she comes from successful but common parents. At the least we can see from the outside that William has chosen a very pretty, wholesome, likeable, and approachable pal to be his bride. She reminds me of his mother in her early married days.

We get to witness two handsome, healthy 28 year olds who have chosen to make a life together. Will they get to have privacy? Will they get to have their needs for friendship, play, intellectual pursuits, spiritual development, friends and family, like the rest of us? What if they have had a disagreement? Will they get to learn to work it out or just be told to stuff their feelings? Will they get to fulfill their purpose on this earth or be reduced to mere formal posturing?

I hope that they get to love, grow, learn, and evolve as people in their life together. After all isn’t that we are really here for? Maybe all those trials that Prince William went through have prepared him to create a life with his bride beyond any of our expectations.


Freedom in Partnership

When I was first married I found working out the compromises and agreements of our couple’s life tiring. After all, if I lived alone I’d get to quickly make all my own decisions. As a couple we would live for awhile until we ran into an issue we didn’t agree upon once again. Then we would have go back to negotiating and working it through.

”it would be so easy if I could just decide myself” would run through my mind again. This thought came back into my husband’s mind again too. But we didn’t like that divorce word. We both had witnessed how painful it had been in other couples’ lives and for their children. It motivated us to keep working at the negotiation and conflict resolution stuff.

After over three decades together, the negotiations still come up but the time needed for a plan that works is brief now. We didn’t get there without practice, but practice really worked. So much so that I even teach it now. Who would have guessed?

With so much discussion, learning, airing of good ideas, working on issues together and the like, my husband has ended up being my best consultant and trusted advisor. And I am his. Who would have thought that two people who had so often been on opposing sides would end up as dear collaborators?

With knowing each other so well now, we don’t consider collaborating on decisions with each other limiting but freeing instead. Two heads and hearts can offer much more. Maybe I wait until tomorrow to make a final decision and maybe he has me take a look before he signs on the dotted line. We have found that we have learned patience and made consistently sounder decisions. This has provided the freedom of success of living a life in partnership and love.

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