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Kathy D. Infeld Blog


I am back from vacation, and am ready to get down to business. I have been turning a thought around in my head all week. It is about those unsaid comments that would reveal so much to our spouse. It’s that information about ourselves or about them as we see it that would promote intimacy just by getting to know each other even more. How often have you held back and not said something important to your spouse? Do you feel you have to wait for the opportunity to go around again, or are you just “chicken”. I know I have been.

What I have always learned is that by sharing myself at the right time it can promote closeness and healing. When I don’t, I end up feeling all stopped up and maybe even distant. What have you not been saying to your loved one? What if you said it, it would make such a difference! Look carefully and make a plan to have this conversation this week. You will be so glad that you did.



CreatingLove-bookcoverAnyone who has not made a mistake in their relationship, please stand up. I don’t see anyone standing from where I’m looking. Maybe there are some of you saints out there, but I haven’t met you yet. After being married almost thirty nine years, I feel fortunate that my husband and I haven’t fallen into murder or infidelity or both or at least not yet. I can remember those times when these options felt like a good idea, but we used restraint instead. The couple relationship can bring out the best and worst in us if we don’t manage the result.

On vacation I read a wonderful summer read on secrets, lies, infidelity, forgiveness, love and redemption. Even though the book was fiction, it could have described countless couples that I have seen in my office or known or seen on TV. The closeness and intensity of the marriage relationship can bring out the best and worst of us over time.

I feel that mistakes can be part of growing and learning and developing compassion for ourselves and others. That doesn’t mean that you can go out and “sin” because you can say sorry later. It means that we all have feelings, needs, unexplained drives and experiences from the past that can cloud our judgment. The New York Times columnist, David Brooks, in his latest book says the research on most behavior and decisions originates from the unconscious.

What I am trying to say here is that we all are capable of making mistakes and we hope that our situation never gets so bad that we feel that we cannot be forgiven or understood. In fact most of us learn best from the mistakes we have made so that we can make a better choice the next time. The trick is to learn from the small missteps, so that the damage we reap is minimal. Sometimes the damage we create takes much compassion and time to achieve forgiveness from loved ones. Self knowledge and its never ending pursuit can help too.

My book, ”Creating Love For A Lifetime-The Five C’s To A Successful Marriage” was written with lots of my husband’s and my mistakes included. All that we have learned through compassion and forgiveness with one another, only made our passion and commitment stronger. It also made our understanding and compassion for other couples a given. Maybe we all can’t be the story behind a great summer read, but with compassion and forgiveness for our spouse and ourselves, we all can become a great love story for our marriage. Happy reading!



gettingawayEvery couple needs time alone with each other. There are date nights, weekends away ,and then there are those “oh so looked forward to” special vacations together. It is a time to remember why you married each other in the first place. Children, jobs, friends, relatives, work around the home and community can all fill your life to the brim. Some couples ,or really way too many couples, lose touch with each other and problems in the marriage develop.

These couples often have left no time to resolve differences of opinion and to ask for what they need. Every thing else starts to come first. If they also have any issues from the past where they felt ignored or unimportant, this lapse in attention can trigger old wounds as well. In my office I spend a lot of time reminding couples to take time for themselves. Everyone they effect will benefit too. They will become a closer and more united couple and happier as individuals and as a couple as well.

So pack up those suitcases, beg your family to watch the kids, spend what you can afford for that magical reconnection and don’t look back.

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