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shelovesme2Lots of people go into a marriage guessing whether the relationship is right for both of them. Actually a certain amount of trust in relationship, commitment and your feelings is required, but there are some concrete tools by which you can help make your decision.

Do you have good chemistry together?
Do you like enough of the same things?
Are your core needs a good match? ie. Mutual respect, travel, touch, etc.
Do they give back?
Are we both giving 100% to the relationship or is one partner doing most of the work?
Is it all about the wedding?
Are you in agreement on children, sex, money , career, religion, family and friends?
Or have you negotiated a compromise you both can live with?
Are you clear what is essential to you and whether this relationship has that?

A great marriage starts with both of you choosing a good match in a partner and then the commitment to make the effort to do all that you both need to do to make this a Love For A Lifetime. I will be writing more on this subject. Watch for future blogs with the same title, “She Loves Me , She Loves Me Not”. In the meantime good luck in your search.