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4848385-close-up-of-calendarIt seems that everyone I am interacting with lately including myself want what they want, yesterday. I am on my way to finally accepting that all things in life are a process. Growing up takes time, getting an education takes years, finding the right career can include trial and error, finding the love of your life may seem endless, getting that promotion or opportunity feels like it is taking forever.

What I do know is that with commitment, all of my clients and personal acquaintances have found the love of their life by being willing to go through this process. First they decided what they really needed , then found someone attractive to them who could meet those needs, kept themselves attractive and learned about this partner’s needs and recognized if they could meet them, worked out compromises necessary to meeting each others core needs (if you can’t , they aren’t the one) and then work a lifetime of discovering the keys to even more intimacy together.

My husband and I have been married 39 years now and just two days ago we learned something we hadn’t recognized about each other. It has renewed the excitement and depth in our relationship once again. Love For A Lifetime is a process that goes on for a whole lifetime together. It gets better every year. It doesn’t happen by just wanting it yesterday. When you take the steps that I outlined in the prior paragraph you have just begun.

Love Forever is a delicious process.